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Mehron Nisā Women's Centre

We strove for so many. Now it's time for Muslim mothers to assemble, heal and transcend. 

Be A Ray Of Light

The first 40 subscribers pay £35 a month for three sessions a week and up to 36hrs a month of activities and social time. This is the once in a lifetime offer for those who trail-blazed and supported this work before everyone else!

Meet Our Team

   Get Fit For Life

Putting others first can take its toll. Strengthen your mind and body with your qualified box-fit fitness trainer Hafsa Umm Nafeesah. It's about feeling young, we call it futuwwa. 

Explore The Deen  

Cultivate your mind and meditate your heart with your Muftiyah Nasima Umm Hamza and pastoral counsellor. We call this ilimpowerment.

Heal Together

Take control by sharing your thoughts, feelings, and relax with our parent adviser and 'maternity mate' Ustadha Maryam Umm Zakiya. Good company and coffee, we call this suhba. 

Pick your meditation class

Meditate from the comfort of your home, have our instructor visit you, or join a meditation group

Onsite & Online class

Study courses that enhance and empower your life as a Muslim mother. 

Pray and Relax

Utilise our prayer facilities and tea and coffee space and discuss with fellow mothers in the community.

Group Sessions

Build up your stamina and endurance in group box-fit sessions. Physical health aids mental health. 

Get Started

Who we serve

Our centre is unapologetically dedicated to Islam and Muslim mothers who are often neglected and forgotten. 

This centre aims to build a community that acts as a home away from home, a sanctuary and safe space filled with warm embrace. 

We believe in women's rights found within Islam and strive to support our single mothers, DV survivors and revert sisters. 

We are advocates of the empowerment of homemakers across the UK and solidarity to Muslim mothers across the global Ummah. 

Benefits For You

Browse our available classes and pick the one that's right for you

Finding hope within

Explain people more information about this class you are providing.

Better night's sleep

Explain people more information about this class you are providing.

Inner peace mastery

Explain people more information about this class you are providing.

Compassion mastery

Explain people more information about this class you are providing.

Focus your attention

Explain people more information about this class you are providing.

Control your awareness

Explain people more information about this class you are providing.

Book a call with us

Simply fill out the form below by sharing more information about yourself

We respect your privacy. Your information is 100% safe with us.

Call us

0208 133 8684

Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

Frequently asked questions...

What if I don't have any experience?

All of our sessions are for beginners who are 

willing to learn and grow.  

What should I wear to class?

Modest loose clothing is required for our box fit training sessions. The building is completely private for women.